Palio di Siena

Last Will and Testament of Joseph Sudler

In the name of God Amen I Joseph Sudler of Queen Anns County on Kent Island being in good helth & of sound memory Thanks be to Allmighty God for the same but calling to mind that all men are borne to dye I Do make this my Last Will and Testament in Manner & form as followeth first I Do Reccomend my sole into the hands of my blessed Savour Jesus Christ & my bodey to be buried in a Decent manner as my Executrix heireafter Named shall think fitt & for all my wordly goods as it hath been pleased, God to bestow on me I Dispose of them in manner as followeth...

Item I give & bequeth to my Sonn Emory Sudler the Track of Land I now live on Called Sudlers fourtaine & allso I give him the said Emory Two Tracks of Land more one called Sudlers purchase & the other called Sudlers Island to him & his heires but my will is that he the said Emory shall not have aney clame to the Two first mentioned tracks of Land Called Sudlers fourtaine and Sudlers purchase as long as my wife Ann Sudler continues my widow Allso I give to, him the said Emory my best gunn & my Clock that stand in the hall but my will is that the clock shall not be removed out of the house as long as his Mother lives...

Item I give & Bequeath to Three of my sones Joseph John & Thomas Sudler All that tract of land lying up Chester which I bought of W Walter Smith called Sledmar containing Eight hundred acres I give to my Sunn Thomas All that part of the Track that lyes on the South Side of the Chappel Rode - joyning to the land that Cap. John Seger, now lives ono which he bought of Daniel Newmam and the Chappell Rode to Devide his part of the land from his Brother Josephs Land and All the Remaining part of the aforesaid Track of Land called Sledmar I give to my Two Sunns Joseph & John Sudler Joseph to have Three hundred acres joyning with Chappell Rode and Runing with the Rode as far as the Land Runes which the said Road will Devide Josephs Land from his Brother Thomases Land on Josephs part is the plantation where he now lives on and John to have the remaining part of the aforesaid Track of Land called Sledmar Lying on the North Side of the afforesaid Track with a Streate Line throught the Land to Devide Johns land from his Brothers Joseph Land & I allso give to my sunn Joseph fiftenn acres of Land more which I bought of Richard Scotten called Devenishes Chance & if Ether of my Three Sunns Joseph John or Thomas shold dye without heires then there oart to be Equally Devided between the other two & if Two of my Three Sunnes Joseph John and Thomas shold dye without heires then the Survivrs of the Three shall have all the Land that I gave to Joseph and his Brother John and that part that I gave to my Sunn Thomas I give to my youngest Sunn Benjamin and his heires I further give to my Sunn Joseph besides the Land my largest looking glass that stands in the hall after his Mothers Death...

Item I give and Bequeth to my Sunn John besides his Land one Negrow Lad Named Samm and Negrow Girle Named Darkey & all there Increase and young horse that is called his horse my largest walnut ovle Table 6 New Rushe leather Chares with loose bottoms and midle sized gilt looking glass with mehogany fraime Two good feather beads with good furneture and new 12 gallon Iron pot Two large Silver Spoones marked Thus E A S ...

Item I give and Bequeth to my Sunn Thomas Besides his land one Negrow Boy Named Jacob sunn of old Juday one negrow Girle Named Byther & all there Increase on Bay Mare my Riding mare my Second Largest Wallnut ovle Table one English Oake Desk six New Rushe Leather Chares Two good feather Beads & Good furneture and midle sized Gilt Looking glass with mehagany fraime and 12 gallen Iron pot Two Large Silver Spoones marked thus E A S ...

Item I give & Bequeth to my Sunn Benjamin Sudler Two hundred acres of Land that lyes up Chester that I Bought of William Clayton & Thomas Butler called Shipperds forrist to him & his heires & further I give him the said Benjamin one Negrow woman Named Sobina and Negrow Boay her Sunn named Jacob one Negrow girle named Moll and Ditto Girles named Beck & all there Increase one young Bay mare wich came of the young mare at the Island & my Third Largest wallnut ovle Table and New Wallnut Chest with good Lock & Kee one midle sized looking glass gilt with Mehagany frame Six good Rushe Leather Chares Two Good feather Beades & good furneture one New 12 gallen Iron pot and Two Large Silver Spoones marked thus E A S ...

Item I give & Bequeth to my Daughter Mary Ann Two hundred & Eighteen Acres of land lying up Chester and hundred & fifty acres of which I bought of Morris and Thomas Cloke & Sixty Eight acres I took up joyning to the same to her & her heires & further I give her the said Mary Ann one Negrow woman named Dynah one Negrow Boay named Phill one Negrow Girle named Sarah one Ditto Named Susannah one Ditto named Grace and all there Increase one new Walnut Chest of Drawes and New Walnut Tea Table and one New Walnut Stand one good Seale Skinn Trunk one midle sized gilt Looking glass with Mehogany frame Six Silver Tea Spoons Straner & Tongs marked E A S Two Large Silver Spoons marked E A S one Set of my best Chinea Tea ware and Doz of my best Chinea plates six good Cane Cheares Two good feather Beads & good furneture one New Large cittle Brass & my New Riding Cheare & furneture & my young black Mare the Sister to my Shea horse...

Item I give & Bequath to my Deare Beloved wife Ann Sudler one Negrow man named Bordley one Ditto named Catow one Negrow woman named Juday and Ditto named Phillis one Negrow Girle named Hannah & all There Increase one white Servant man named Andrew Hensman A Veavour Two good feather beads and good furneture one New corner Cubbert with all my Chinea excepting what I gave my Daughter Mary Ann one large pare of Cart weells Shod with Iron one new Shease & furneture one Shea Horse called Rock and Sixty pounds Currant Money of Maryland $ after all my just Debts & Legaceys are paid & my wifes thirds taken out of what is then Remaining the Resedew of my Estate to be Equally Devided between foure of my Children John Thomas Benjamin and Mary Ann Sudler and I Do appoint my Deare Beloved Wife Ann Sudler to be my whole and Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament revoaking all others hereunto before made by me as witness my hand & Seale this 23 Day of June Anno Dom 1755

Signed Sealed and Delivered

Joseph Sudler (SEAL)

pronounced & Declared before

William Price
Marma Goodhand Junior
Elias Meconnikin
Johann Christian Port

The 25th June 1756

William Price, Elias Meconnikin and Johann Christian Port three of the subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing Will being duly and solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God do depose and say, That they saw the Testator Joseph Sudler - sign the same Will and heard him publish and declare it to be his last Will and Testament. That at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory and that they did subscribe their respective names as Witnesses to the said Will in the presence of the said Testator and at his Request. Which oath was taken by the said Witnesses in the presence of Emory Sudler Heir at Law to the Testator which same Emory Sudler did not object to the probate of the said Will -

Sworn before me

Wm. Tilghman Dep. Comry.
of Queen Ann's County



Note: the simbols "<" e and ">" means whether or not the person was born before or after the date indicated